A**a Z.
11.11 ordered the bag, debt quickly though the seller and sent goods. corresponds to the description but came very crumpled!! despite the fact that inside the air bag to maintain the shape, напрятали this bruising can fix included a long handle, Bag leather/deputy. worth the money, locks are all working
07 Dec 2016 22:26
G******i K.
Great bag! the seller sent two days later. received in St. Petersburg next month. there is little smell, the quality is good especially for the money. fit into a school notebook the bottom is wide about 9 cm. inside there is a pocket. just a little wrinkled, not critical. I recommend!
14 May 2017 06:37
А*******р П.
Bag quality, is fully monitored. thank you seller
16 Apr 2017 21:10
D***r S.
Ordered the girl. Bag of good quality for such a cheap price. small, but very comfortable. pleased strap, adjustable short to much long. there was no smell outside. the color came appropriate. I want to order a couple more friends.
15 May 2017 02:38
K******a K.
Very happy with the bag, high quality dense, strap is too tight. to long to serve.
19 Jan 2017 00:11