L****a K.
Backpack just Ze Best!!!! very roomy beautiful like in the picture. delivery to the MSK 3 weeks. the seller umnichka also put a present, thank you! I recommend to buy.
26 Apr 2017 11:15
D******r E.
Just open a terrible smell sperobpoi eace nellimmagine sparisca great as product
19 Apr 2017 03:24
B***************a B.
My purchase I am very happy! no protruding thread and the smell of weathered for half an hour!!! the quality is just super-duper! :) very roomy and comfortable backpack with lots of pockets inside, the outside)) Checkout at 16:30, and in 1:00 (8,5 hours) the parcel was sent and went to Khabarovsk less than a month! :) in general, I would recommend this seller)
25 Apr 2017 18:56
P***a K.
Ordered a black one and it looks so much better than the photo. The smell is a bit strong but I hope it will dissapear with time.
12 Apr 2017 09:29
M***a S.
Everything is fine
26 Apr 2017 11:33
K*******a K.
Great bag. Spacious. Good quality.
25 Apr 2017 07:55
R******k K.
Backpack povnіstyu spіvpadaє іz note scho image in the photo. up of Kyiv posilka dіyshla vіdnosno Shvydko less then mіsyatsya. sewed akuratno nitochok dumb, yakі stirchat, Got характерний smell. spodіvayusya scho vіn vivіtritsya soon. регулються harness, Zi спини кишенька on блискавці Yea, Je shte odne vіddіlennya on блискавці vseredinі i mіstsya phone that дрібнички. great plus scho on the sides Je buttons dwellers require for прибрати 'товщину's backpack, Yakscho vіn thin. rozmіr Yogo decent, mozhna заховати dekіlka пляшок fault :)
05 Apr 2017 09:25