M***a D.
20 Apr 2017 12:44
A********a N.
Bag space!!! I'm very happy. made qualitatively, fits the description. delivered quickly from March 31, took from the post on April 14.
14 Apr 2017 18:24
E***a K.
20 Apr 2017 09:46
A****a M.
22 Apr 2017 06:09
P*****a B.
It looks fine but not as in the description... it has no zipper and it's different material - very poor. No logo. If these bag had be like on the description photo I would buy it again, but in this case I won't.
05 Apr 2017 17:43
J***a J.
Super bag. fast shipping. really good looks
02 Apr 2017 17:25
N*************9 N.
Zamovlyav Dvi bags! one дівчині in podarunok! Dovgy hour wrote scho упаковується, Ale priyshlo Notification s almost складі scho goods. CCB, Saying to honestly, шокований. priyshov goods for 12 (дванадцять) dnіv викликало scho mene неймовірну радість!!! shipping Bula Lviv (україна)! Seller beautiful, easy to s it spіlkuvatis. Meni poobіtsyav podarunok ale забув покласти Yogo oskіlki Bulo bagato zamovlen. saying scho yak in podarunok поверне Meni 3 $. word svoє стримав. bags boule upakovanі maintained upstream; nіzh just Chudovo. in dekіlka пакетів. goods, the seller i yakіst duzhe zadovoleny. Shipping just вразила, scho buvaє мегарідко, замовляючи goods s China!!! put 5 + i recommend mother s it the right!!!!!
21 Apr 2017 04:14