V*****y K.
The seller sent the goods quickly, but very well-packed bag. bag is almost all genuine leather. are made from imitation leather handle the straps, ties the bottom of the reverse side valve bags. the color and quality of all matched well Well, how it will be in operation time will tell.
25 Apr 2017 08:22
A*******a S.
Very much, quality, color style, everything is super. 21 days shipping to Moscow. smell a little there, but surely erode quickly.
26 Apr 2017 14:23
O**a C.
Backpack of good quality, made carefully and beautifully! track goods tracked, came about a month! size-big enough! and very light even when empty. think leather seats, and in some places, good leatherette, as indicated by the seller!
24 Apr 2017 02:40
D*****y R.
All as described for this item leather quality and at the proper level. I recommend. very fast delivery to Chelyabinsk 2 weeks.
26 Apr 2017 07:45
L****a P.
Thank you very much, very happy with purchase! I recommend!
21 Apr 2017 00:07
J***a S.
23 Apr 2017 23:35
E***a D.
Backpack super!!! roomy, sewn perfectly, no smell. the parcel was packed very well. prodavtsu 5 +. arrived on time.
30 Mar 2017 13:38
H***n P.
Good backpack, Astrakhan came in 3 weeks, smell, stylish, no smell as usual from leather jewelry, it is unlikely it is leather-a good leatherette. lining at first seemed weak быстрорвущейся but it is not so strong. roomy looks stylish. bought myself a job, all happy
22 Apr 2017 01:56