Y**a Y.
Super fast shipping, supplier urunden 1 er gun apart in kind have decided to buy, in two of the fast ship was given no later than verdigim came first, digerini waiting for you. to end Fiyatini deserves to be owned, i 've got no less than 2 units the oneririm. fast cargo dolayi different urulerden supplier at them. arrivel İstanbula surah 10 gun. Super speedy cargo, wonderful product. you can contact me by
01 Apr 2017 15:40
N**a K.
Designer is excellent, delivery fast. immediately ordered 2 pieces, after reading reviews.
27 Apr 2017 05:20
M**y A.
Bellini if they would be much more pieces more thick, are very thin nothing to take them nn
29 Dec 2016 11:14
O**a I.
Great puzzle. however, not all items tight go-some just hang out, but it is not critical! windows open, ставнях the English alphabet. it was carefully packed in foil package. ideally 2-3 of these sets. ordered one-see whether the interest in the child, the baby is now 9 months-it, naturally so far this toy. it is now just chews window opens (is also good-fine motor skills to work). I recommend the product!
14 May 2017 02:24
M***t K.
This is the second don't leave. receivables advice 2 order one. however roused the feeling of soft plastic will be broken at zorlamasına despite my child so resistant. windows kapanıp-açılması beautiful. it is convenient for above 4 years old cocuklar in my opinion. separatedly i gave an order for 2 also smoothly and fast. i would recommend.
15 Apr 2017 15:03